

Om “levend” te blijven heeft ieder model het nodig om zich constant te blijven ontwikkelen en vernieuwen. ~Insoo Kim Berg

You never want in an organization people who say, “I find my work quite nice.”

You want employees who say that their work fills them and gives satisfaction. This creates energy that leads to an increase in personal effectiveness and productivity.

The success of organisations is largely determined by the capacity of the team to understand their own functioning and the ability to self direct.

This is what makes Team Coaching so important and so successful!


Princept offers the following Courses

  1. Positive Change Management
  2. Team Buidling
  3. Communication

I have had a very rewarding and enjoyable experience during the two days of training with Karin. Along with the enthusiasm Karin brings the group, she takes you into her everyday experiences with NLP. She ensures that there is a positive and supportive atmosphere where participants feel confident and safe enough to undertake a critical examination of themselves. Karin is a professional, knows what she is doing. The combination of theory, practical examples and classroom interactivity was the perfect way to learn and experience the training. What I found especially valuable was how Karin described her theory in a simple way, connected with practical examples of the participants. This Solution Focused thinking leads you to explore different ideas and shows you views from different angles which widens your perspective. This suits me much better. - Stijn van Hal (27 jaar)